Sunday, December 13, 2009

Starting Week 6


1. Dr.Shen believes I should eat meat. I am O positive and O positive people need meat, red meat. While this bit of information is good news on the one hand, it's not so good on the hand that loves the animals and doesn't want them to suffer. That would be the same hand that doesn't want to ingest commercially raised, hormone and antibiotic fed beef. And the environmental impact of eating beef is devastating.

2. Feeling overwhelmed with information about food and supplements. I've added so many supplements that I'm starting to avoid taking any at all. I missed three days this week of herbs and vitamins. Now I've added a product called Zrii because Deepak Chopra endorses it as good Ayurveda medicine. One ounce three times a day seemed like more than I could do this week. I also ordered a protein powder from the same company to be used as a meal replacement. I was encouraged to replace two meals with this powder mixed with water or juice. I didn't like it. I felt deprived and it felt unnatural. Once in awhile, in an emergency I can see it, but as a lifestyle? I think not.

3. Juicing isn't as satisfying on cold rainy days. I want something hot, like oatmeal. But, what about my pH?

4. I went to California Pizza Kitchen for their Field Green salad the other day. The waitress put three menus on the table, one for wines, one for food and one was actually a nutritional information chart on each of the foods they serve. I looked up the the Field Green Salad and was shocked to see how many calories are in it. The bottom line to weight management is 'calories in, calories out'. I have a pretty good metabolism but if I want to drop pounds I need to eat about 1500 calories a day. I'm not calorie conscious so I bought a book, a dictionary on calories in everything even fast food. I also bought a digital scale that will calculate totals according the weight of just about any food you can imagine. I haven't learned how to use it yet. Note to self: Must study instruction manual.

It has been feeling like my health conscious devotion has taken over my life. I'm having to think too much about it. This is not the balance I am seeking. In fact,this feeling of overwhelm is a slippery slope to surrender. But I'm not about to surrender. So....I asked GUS, Great Universal Spirit, "What's a girl to do?". The answer was, "Trust your INTUITION". If you know me at all this must make you laugh right out loud. I teach classes on trusting intuition. I've been teaching about the importance of communicating with the divine energy that is our higher mind and trusting that communication, for not months, but years. So, go ahead and have a good laugh. I sure did. How could I possibly have missed this important aspect of intuition? The body's natural ability to vibrate with what it needs and how much of it it wants is basic 101 Self Care.

I've been an advocate of applied kinesiology, muscle testing, since 1992. I believe our bodies will resonate vibrationally a yes or no frequency that will strengthen or weaken our muscles. I know this is controversial and untested but it has never failed me.

Also, using the fuel gauge technique of holding your hand over your belly and testing to see where on the gauge your fuel level is. 1 being empty and 10 being stuffed. If we keep the gauge between 4 and 6 or 7, we will have a steady and balanced appetite. Never too hungry, which leads to poor choices and too many calories and never allowing it to go above 7, which leads to disease and dysfunction. Simple enough. That's intuitive eating.

Tomorrow is Monday, the beginning of week 6 on my journey to radiant health. I have two weeks of regular foods before I go on another round of detoxing and the full blown liver gallbladder cleanse. I will be mindful of testing foods and amounts as I carry on from here.

Energy level is 7 today.
Pounds lost: 17

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday Day 32

It's cold here. Really cold. 50 degrees may not seem cold to those living in Idyllwild, or New Jersey but my toes are freezing. I've turned on the heater and I have socks on my feet and put on my old red cashmere robe. I've lost the belt to it and it has a few little holes but it's so warm. It'll do just fine.

Sundays, in my family, usually meant a special breakfast of my grandmother's Oh Boy Waffles served with bacon, eggs and orange juice. My grandmother's recipe calls for one cup of melted shortening. Can you imagine? White flour, melted shortening, salt, baking soda, sugar, eggs, milk or cream all whipped up into a smooth batter. Mom would put more shortening on the waffle iron to prevent sticking and serve them golden brown with butter and syrup. I remember this today because I was feeling rather nostalgic when I went into the kitchen on this cold Sunday morning. I wanted to pull down the Bisquick box and whip up a batch of pancakes.

I made my weekly calls to my sisters and when I asked Linda what she was doing she said she was making Oh Boy Waffles for her family. It's the only way to get all of her kids to come over on Sunday mornings. I've been thinking a lot about the way I used to eat. I was the Queen of Cheeseburger. Since I was a little kid it's all I would eat. No pickles, no tomatoes, no mustard, just meat, cheese, bun and special sauce. As a teen I ate at Jack In The Box every chance I got. I'd order the Jumbo Jack with extra secret sauce. You can keep the french fries, just give me a burger with a diet coke. Later the Whopper became my burger of choice, then Hennessey's Bar and Grill's cheddar burger with guacamole and salsa.

I was also the Goddess of the Rib Eye steak, medium rare. Houston's and Macaroni Grill have the best rib eye's in town. And let's not forget the baby back ribs from Chicago for Ribs, delivered to my door and the carne asada taco's at Taco's Amigos while out running errands. How am I not dead? Really. How have I not dropped dead from a heart attack? Butter on my toast, cream in my coffee, and sour cream on my potatoes. It's not that I didn't know how bad it was for me. I just didn't care. I wanted the pleasure of the taste. Every good cook knows butter makes everything taste better. Just ask Julia.

I dropped by my sister Sharon's house yesterday and it was like a mine field with sweet goodies everywhere. Her husband buys a box of donuts everyday. He cooks fried potatoes and chorizo and eggs. He bakes cookies and cakes because their granddaughter loves them. There are bowls of candy everywhere. I wouldn't have noticed it except I do.

My sister Vicky has recently been diagnosed with diabetes. She's learning from a nutritionist what she needs to do to keep her blood sugar level but it isn't easy. She's lost 50 pounds and has about 75 more to go. It's crazy what we have done to ourselves for the pleasure of briefly tasting foods.

Sundays are the hardest for me. It's traditional to eat through a football game. We fill our coffee tables with chips and dips, big sandwiches filled with meats and cheeses, bowls of goodies to help us cheer on our favorite team, all downed with cold beer. Pizza, calzones and fried chicken. This all seems so disgusting now.

Here is my dilemma for this week. Cucumbers are now out of season. I went to our farmer's market yesterday and couldn't find one cucumber. This mornings juice just wasn't the same. I've added ginger to my juice and discovered quickly that a little ginger goes a long way. I'm beginning to get bored with my limited vegetarian recipes. I need to search out new ideas for juicing and new recipes to keep my taste buds happy. Winter had come to Redondo Beach and with it a desire for chili, stews, soups and cassaroles. Today is research day.

I had one more mini Akashic Field Therapy session with Valerie Elster this week. Tomorrow I see Dr. Shen for acupuncture and more herbs.

My energy is holding steady at 8 and I've lost a total of 18 pounds. Onward and upward.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Four Weeks Today!

Let me take a moment to pat myself on my back. Four weeks with eating an animal. Four weeks of juicing organic veggies for breakfast. Four weeks of drinking lots of water. Four weeks of supplements, and nastyass tea. I've lost 16 pounds, but that's not the point, just a happy side effect. Point being, I'm feeling healthier and more energetic. I'm sleeping better and my level of patience has grown exponentially. I feel happier, and I was happy to begin with. It's all good.

There are stressors all around me and I'm not taking the bait. My mother has asked for me to bake Christmas cookies and I'm so not likely to be able to do that without eating them. But, I found a solution. She loves coconut and I hate it. I'll make coconut cookies and then she can have that smell in the house she so misses and eat all she wants and I won't be in the least bit tempted.

The remodeling contractor began demolition on Monday and the exterior painters have completed the front building and are now painting the back one. It looks great. Our sump pump went out over the weekend and I've had plumbers, electricians and pump specialists in and out for three days. I've lost my bank card and my car really needs to be cleaned out, as does the garage. But, I'm mellow yellow Baby, and loving my life. How strange is that?

Can't wait to see blood work.

Energy is very high today....I walked three miles yesterday and my butt feels it. I'll go out again in la manana.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


OUT of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 22, Thanksgiving Day

Like most Americans, Thanksgiving Day is my favorite food day. Turkey, gravy, creamy, buttery mashed potatoes, stuffing, candied yams and my favorite dessert of all time, pumpkin pie fills me with not only yummy flavors and warm memories, but with an abundance of gallbladder trouble.

This year I steamed broccoli and asparagus and made two big bowls of mashed potatoes. One for the fully loaded, high octane fat lovers, made with half and half and a half a pound of real creamery butter. And, one made with non-fat milk and no butter. Frankly, they were both delicious. I passed on the stuffing, gravy, turkey, candied yams and dessert. I ate my veggies wishing I had prepared something with more imagination. I've decided it's time to get creative. I want more flavor. Today, I'm off to Barnes and Noble to find cookbooks for healthy, vegetarian eating. I recognise that our bodies need a healthy amount of good oils for our skin, hair, nails to be beautiful and our brains to function optimally, so I'm looking for flavorful options to the fully loaded kinds of fat.

What I did notice about my Thanksgiving Day this year is that I was much more focused on the love in the room than on the food in the room. There was a light that shined on my family this year. My 25 year old niece told me she hoped she could be as good an aunt to her new baby nephew as I have been to her. She wiped her tears as she snuggled up to me on the couch. A distant relative came from Kentucky and shared stories he remembered from his childhood that I had forgotten. He shared love back with us he had received from us as a young boy. It was the most loving Thanksgiving Day I can remember having. Did I change? Was the love always there and I was just too busy focusing on the business of preparing foods to notice? I am calmer. I feel less anxious. I feel different. Is it the food changes I've made or is it something greater? Maybe both.

Pounds lost: 15
Energy level: 8

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 21

Stress eating, emotional eating, boredom eating, there are all kinds of reasons or excuses to eat, hunger being the least of them in my experience. And the usual suspects in the line up are sweets, carbs and fats. "Just a little treat" my mother would say. A reward for not biting someone's head off when you really wanted to. Or, something gooey when what you really want is sex. Something hard and crunchy when you really want to speak your mind but can't. Feeling sorry for yourself? Have a snack. "Just a little won't hurt" she'd say. Except, it did and it does. When
I was a miserable fourth grader, my mother turned me on to white bread, spread with butter and sprinkled with sugar. Turns out I was being drugged. Who knew?

So, here I am at the end of week three of my recovery of radiant health and what I've noticed is that my mood has changed. I'm more patient, calm, loving, and easy going. It's easier for me to focus and easier to manage all of my projects. My skin is clearer, my eyes are brighter and my body smells differently. I have a brighter outlook. I've always been a positive thinker and I've always looked for the silver lining, but now I don't have to look for it. Foods and moods. Who knew?

I've met a woman on Facebook who is 71 years old. Mimi Kirk. She is the epitome of radiant health. She eats only raw, vegan foods. No breads, no dairy, nothing from animals. PETA voted her, Sexiest Woman Over 50. I don't know if that is my future eating plan because it seems a bit too restrictive for me, but I'm willing to forego cheese this week. I'll see if it makes a difference in how I feel. I eat very little of it anyway, just a sprinkle on my marinara or an ounce in a salad.

The only bread I eat is Ezekiel. I've been calling it Essene....not sure why, and I'm down to one slice every other day. I'm not sure if that is an issue...we shall see.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. My favorite traditional foods will be served. Stuffing, gravy, roasted turkey, candied yams, green beans swimming is gooey, creamy canned soup, cranberry sauce....pumpkin pie with whipped cream. How will I do in that environment surrounded by temptation? I'll have to be prepared with my own fixin's is all. I'll go shopping for substitutes. Time to start looking for new recipies for my new lifestyle.

Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. Pounds lost: 14
Energy level: 7

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 19

All I can say is WOW! Last week I had those two Akashic Field Therapy sessions and uncovered a multitude of beliefs, identities and decisions. One of the identities was "wounded child". I wasn't ready to write about this last week because I needed some time to let it settle and process it. You see, I am a survivor of infant and childhood sexual abuse and a survivor of adolescent rape. These old memories were triggered as soon as she told me I had the energy in my field of the wounded child. Some of those memories came flashing back as she spoke. Incidences I haven't thought about in years. She and I, together, rewrote the story in my field and four days after this session I was contacted by the man who abused me. How bizarre? Very. The secondary vibration was a belief in "victimization." The belief in "victimization" vibrated very high in my field, even though, intellectually I totally understand that nobody is really a victim.....unless of course....they believe they are.

This old man is near the end of his life now and wanted to get together and talk about what happened. We haven't seen or spoken to each other in 30 years and out of the blue, after my Akashic Field session he reaches out. Coincidence? I don't think so. I believe I was being tested. I opened the email and was immediately challenged or tested to see just how much I processed in the AFT session. And I have to tell you, how I responded was completely clear. I was loving and forgiving from a vibration of sincerity rather than the intellectual act. My healing or cleansing on that issue is complete.

Another issue that came up in our session was the energetic vibration of 'drama'. Again, three days later, a neighbor came banging on my door and throwing a complete fit of rage directed at me over two potted plants. He attacked me and I stood in my place of power, and diffused it. I said 'no' to it. I didn't buy into the show. I simply had no desire to play it out. I simply said, "no". Then, within an hour of that incident, my mother fainted in my arms and paramedics had to be called. More drama. And yet, I was calm and relaxed and trusting my way through it.

I am astounded how deeply I am cleansing. The change is happening in my body, in my mind, in my heart and in my soul.

95% of the food I've been eating these past three weeks is organic and vegan, which of course, vibrates very high the fresher it is. Friday I served my mother a dish that three weeks ago I would have devoured, Chicken Terryaki from Rascals. I couldn't stand the smell of the dead flesh. THAT is a miracle. My body, in this short amount of time has realigned with radiant food. So,instead, my meatless meatballs in organic marinara sauce was perfectly delicious and satisfying. I actually desire my fresh squeezed organic vegetable juice in the morning and if by chance I miss it....I really miss it. My sweet tooth is satisfied by eating one date. ONE DATE! This seems impossible to me, the woman who three weeks ago had sugar with every meal. Sugar in my coffee. Sugar in my oatmeal. Jam on my toast. In this short amount of time...I'm a different woman.

Eyes are windows to the soul and to our livers. Dr. Shen looked at my eyes and asked if they were always red and, yes, they are always red except when I use Visine. He said the eyes are on the same energy meridian as the liver and that is why when people have hepatitis or jaundice you see their eyes get bloodshot and turn yellow. Mine were red with a tinge of yellow. Now, the yellow in gone. In one week of taking his herb tea, twice a day, my eyes are clearer.

My energy is 6 to 7 today. I've accomplished a great deal. I've begun my Christmas shopping, I had meetings and clients all day. I've managed projects and throughout the day I've managed my emotional output easily and effortlessly.

Total pounds lost: 13.

stay tuned....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Healing Continues

Gallbladder and liver imbalances, such as I've been experiencing, are easily repaired with Alternative Medicine. The core emotional energy issues must be addressed as well as the nutritional deficiencies and chi blockages. If you've been following along, you know I passed a gallstone last week after I began a cleanse using fresh organic juices and nutritional supplements. I sensed an attack coming and jumped on it right away. Of course the cause is my own doing, as most diseases are. Eating an imbalanced diet, lack of regular and consistent exercise, and avoiding processing stress emotions, and core beliefs are the cause. I've attacked this disease from all of these sides.

The first wave in my recovery was with diet changes. It is necessary to have a balance of calories from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. I was way out of balance and the choices I was making for my fat intake were low on the vibration scale for radiant health. Now, I am eating mostly organic vegetables and vegetable juices, organic fruits as my carbohydrate sources. I get my fat from avocados, flax oil, olive oil, and fish oils. (very little while in stage one.) My protein source is mainly soy.

In stage two, I added vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplements. Turmeric, Super Liver Cleanse, Super Colon Cleanse, Wild Yam, and GB PLUS, vitamin C and a good multi. I just added herbs prescribed by my acupuncturist that I soak and simmer for twenty minutes then drain and drink the rather pungent tea twice a day. These are herbs for bringing balance back to my gallbladder and liver and to assist my sleeping pattern to return to normal, as well as address a digestive issue.

Stage three, bodywork. I get one deep tissue massage every week, a Reiki treatment, and an acupuncture treatment. I will add a weekly chiropractic adjustment starting next week.

Stage four, exercise. My energy has been very low so strenuous exercise was not an option. Yesterday, day 13, I introduced walking with occasional bursts of running. Today I took my first Tai Chi class and floor Pilates is helping my lower back.

Stage five, emotional clearing processing. Since all but 3% of diseases are caused by emotional energy reacting to core beliefs, identities and spiritual vows and contracts, it is imperative that these beliefs be identified to the conscious awareness and not just left to run rampant in the unconscious mind. As gifted as I am in assisting others in identifying subconscious core beliefs and identities, I too require assistance at times. AFT, Akashic Field Therapy has been most helpful in that regard.

Everything that happens in our lives is recorded in the Akashic Field. It's like a library of information about each of us and all of us. From the moment of our conception and creation we are writing scripts,developing patterns and creating scenarios. I have a core energy of "disappointment" from my birth that I was unaware of until my session with Valerie Elster, an AFT Practitioner. When she brought it to my attention and told me is was vibrating at 73% I wasn't surprised. It resonated as truth to me yet invisible until that moment. I was born in 1951 in a small town in Ventura County California called Ojai. I was born in a small clinic in the dead of winter and I was breech. Feet first. There was quite a bit of drama and panic in the room. On top of that, the entire family of aunts, uncles and grandparents were hoping for a boy because my parents already had three little girls and even among the Estrada cousins, there wasn't a boy to carry on the family name. There was disappointment in the field I came through and I bought it. Also, my mother and grandmother held a belief that breech babies have hard lives. Therefore it was written in my energy field. The AFT sessions brought to light other trauma's and decisions that were transparent to me. Vows, identity beliefs around being a victim and martyr, beliefs about having to sacrifice and a duality pattern about nurturing and neglect were all identified and processed in our sessions.

One belief she read in my field is, "No news is good news." If I heard that once I heard it ten thousand times as I was growing up. How could she have known that? It's written in my Akashic Field. We are funny little programmed robots for the most part. We think we know what we know, but we don't know what we don't know but
we think we know? All of these things were cleared....or perhaps I should say rewritten with positive phrasing.

How do I feel now that I'm beginning week three of my journey from disease to ease, from imbalance to radiant health? Great! My energy is humming around 5 or 6 today. I have no pain.

Next week I will have my blood work back and we will see my starting point.

that's all for now....

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Days 11 & 12 of Gallbladder & Liver Cleanse

I want to thank the Angels who have shown up for me these past two weeks. Sandra Acosta is a master massage therapist as is Linda Acosta. Today I get a massage from Ana Magdelano. Three great healers and body workers.
Valerie Elster is a Reiki Master and AFT Practitioner. AMAZING! I had a session with her yesterday and one scheduled for today. She saw my birth trauma in the Akashic Field, and located the decisions I made coming into this world. She was able to re-write the records so that I may move forward with a merciful step.
Dr. Margie Rand gifted me body brushes from Germany. Mae McCaw gave me a Tarot Reading that was right on. And Judy Doeppel gifted me her friendship. The City of Redondo Beach installed a running track right across the street made of a composite to avoid joint injuries. I thought that was very generous of them to do that during the summer so it would be ready for me in November. My sisters are my cheerleaders, my daughter is my inspiration, and I am blessed!

So, Sunday, day 11, my energy was still in the low 3 or 4 range. I took a nap, I drank my veggie juice and took my supplements but I may not have had as much water as I should have. I had a dinner date to meet a Judy on the beach for a meditation and vegan dinner. I couldn't find my keys anywhere! We will reschedule. When I did find them I decided to take myself to see a happy movie. "Pirate Radio". Laughter is good for your guts not to mention your spirit. The music was right out of my high school days. I loved it.

Monday, day 12, my housekeeper arrived just as I was cleaning up the juicer and heading downstairs for some laundry. My energy was near 5. I felt good and happy and looking forward to the Akashic Field Therapy session with Valerie. It began at 11 and only lasted a short time. The work she does is mostly done before the session. It was fascinating. And right on. Afterwards I went to Veggie Grill for lunch and contemplation. I ran errands, listened to great music, paid bills and danced in my seat. By the evening my energy was at a 6.

My weight loss has stabilized or plateaued, which was expected. This process is not for the purpose of weight loss, although it is a happy side effect. Cleaning out the liver and gallbladder is a necessary process if I want to start the new year feeling the way I intend to feel.

Coming attraction:
The more challenging stage of my process to recover radiant health will begin after Thanksgiving with The Master Cleanse. In the morning, first thing, I will drink 12 oz of salt water, 1 tsp of organic sea salt in warm water. The salts draw toxins from the intestinal walls. The rest of the day I will not eat solid food, but drink only the master cleanse lemonade. Two Tbs of fresh lemon juice, two Tbs organic maple syrup (grade B)and 1/10 tsp of cayenne pepper. The syrup provides vitamins and minerals and the cayenne pepper loosens mucus in the body. Lemons or limes can be used and we all know that they are an excellent source of vitamins. This is a ten day cleanse which will be followed by the gallbladder/liver cleanse.

My goal is to be clean and shiney like a new penny on New Year's Day!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Days 9 & 10

Friday, day 9, was a difficult day. I woke feeling surprised that I had slept through the night again, and my sunrise meditation was lovely, but I began a slow decent after breakfast. I was moody, sad, and sensitive. My energy dropped to a 2. The veggies I juiced were mostly the same, beets, carrots, celery, cucumber, parsley, and this time I added kale. I took all of my supplements and I had dropped another half of a pound. My body felt okay but my emotional energy was creeping into the overly sensitive zone.

Thursday night I led an HOA meeting. I am the president of our association and the one who is heading up some major construction and upgrading projects. This meeting was set for a final vote on choosing the colors for our exterior painting project. For months I've been putting up color samples, meeting with contractors and paint reps, talking to homeowners and designers, getting the landscaping cut back and some trees and vines removed. I've worked very hard. One of the homeowners walked into the meeting very angry because he doesn't like the color choices and feels he hasn't been heard. His eyes flared and he was pointing his finger and raising his voice... he caught me off guard. I felt attacked and it was a confrontation I was not prepared for. For those who have taken my classes or read my workbook, you know that confrontation is one of the Five C's that triggers the ego. My breathing became shallow, my heart raced, I felt the muscles in my neck and shoulders tighten. In those few moments I didn't know how to respond. Fortunately, there were other cooler heads there who are used to that kind of thing and were able to diffuse the situation. As it turns out, we didn't vote. We decided to put up a few more samples representing this particular homeowners taste. That meant more work for me and I was disappointed and a bit angry but my primary feeling during his attack was,.....fear.

Here is where I ran into trouble. I didn't clear all of that lower vibrating emotional energy before going to bed. The incident brought up my fear of failing, fear of being bad or wrong, fear of not being liked, fear of feeling vulnerable, all the ego's chatter. I didn't consciously sit down with myself, breathe, process or meditate. I went to bed with all of that in my body/mind so when I woke on Friday I was off kilter. I was tired, I wanted to nap. If I was a drinker, I would have wanted a stiff shot. What I did want is sugar or carbs or something gooey and fatty. Some foods can alter our moods temporarily, just like alcohol or drugs. I wanted to soothe myself. The instant gratification of popping into my mouth a piece of toast with a sweet spread would have made me feel better for about a minute. Then I would need another. Like any addiction, the addiction to sugary sweets, fats, and simple carbohydrates, is an unconscious desire to not feel something.

It became quite clear on Friday how I have been managing the stress in my life. Not taking the time to meditate, pray, process and be conscious with my feelings, I've been running to the next project, the next client, the next drama, the next person who needs me and forgetting and ignoring my own needs. I would, literally forget to eat. I would get up in the morning and drink coffee with Coffee Mate and maybe a piece of toast with some butter and sweet spread then head out the door to face my projects. Of course, by 2pm by body would be starving and I'd suddenly scramble for something to eat, and it didn't matter to me what it was. I just wanted something fast so I could get back to work. Cheeseburgers, burritos, sandwiches are easy to get, fast and filling. One Whopper with cheese is about 900 calories and 60grams of saturated fat.

This is a fascinating journey, from disease to ease, from illness to radiant health.

Friday, instead of the old pattern of the quick fix, I took care of myself. I rested and loved myself. I looked at the triggers that were activated the night before. I stayed conscious of what I was doing with my beautiful body that I have neglected for so long. I processed some old memories and realized, once again, that forgiveness and compassion heal a multitude of sins. It wasn't an easy day, but it was fruitful.

Day 10 started out fast and furious. I had scheduled an early morning date with a friend in Culver City. I had to leave the house by 7am in order to pick her up and drive to a temple for a group meditation. I didn't have my veggie juice but I did put three pieces of fruit in my purse before I left. As it turned out the temple had cancelled the meditation without letting us know. So, we to ourselves to breakfast. Here's another tip I need to remember. If you can't find something on the menu that will serve your needs, say so. We found a little hole-in-the-wall cafe across from the movie studios that was opened in 1936. The price of a french toast and sausage breakfast was $2.40. There were pictures on the wall above our table of The Little Rascals, Elvis Presley, and some actors from the 50s I didn't recognize. Mae was so excited to have discovered this little gem she was like a school girl. I looked over the menu determined to find something that my detoxing body needed. As you can imagine, it wasn't easy. I ordered an egg white dish with cabbage, mushrooms, tomatoes and avocados. I was fairly safe except for the fat they grilled it in....I should have asked. All in all, it was satisfying and not too far off my plan.

After breakfast we went back to Mae's and she offered me a Tarot card reading. She's pretty good. Some of the cards about my past were clear enough. I'm confident in my work, I love my work. As for the seems I have a broken heart. Still. As soon as I saw the card I knew what it represented. The wound from five years ago is still healing. When she said it out loud my eyes filled with tears. I felt all of that sorrow well up inside of me. It's funny, I don't think about it or 'him' at all, but perhaps that is the problem. I haven't completely processed and therefore there are still lessons to be learned. It was a psychic trauma in the way it happened. We were ecstatically happy to start out lives together on Saturday and Sunday he was gone. It was sudden, it was tragic. But, it was five years ago. Shouldn't that be enough time to heal? I have an expectation that time heals all wounds. Even wounds of the heart.

The future cards had a few warnings not to let my ego get in the way of my work. Not to allow petty things to pull my attention away from God and the work that is done through me, not from me. The cards promised abundance will follow me into the future if I take care not to fall into the trap of competition. I've never believed I was competitive but after looking further into that...boy was I wrong.

This cleansing and purging process has been most enlightening. The Universe, God, my Angels are supporting me at every turn. Gifts are arriving daily to guide me and direct me. Friday night a client brought me some body brushes she had purchased in Germany and had never used. Oddly she had no idea I was detoxing and yet, she was guided to gift them to me. Body brushing is often done in health spas for stimulating blood blow to the surface of the skin. The skin eliminates over one pound of waste acids each day in the average adult. Keeping it exfoliated and stimulated with massage and dry brushing is very helpful during a detoxing regimen.
Everyday a new gift arrives. From the angry neighbor to the body brushes, to the spontaneous Tarot reading, to the AFT gift and tonight I will meet a nutritionist friend for dinner and a chat. I'm learning a great deal.

It is now the beginning of Day 11. My energy is around 5. I've lost a total of 12 pounds.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 8 was great!

The difficulty I was having with sleeping is now gone. I didn't know exactly what was the cause of my inability to fall asleep and stay asleep these past two years. I suspected subconscious concerns and stress about family, lack of vigorous activity, and my shadow shout, but as it turns out, it was my liver.

Waking between 1 and 3 a.m., sometimes sweaty and agitated, and unable to return to sleep for sometime, is a form of insomnia typical of liver dysfunction. "

Also: Fatigue, irritability, lack of determination, being easily upset, short tempered, feeling nervous sensitivity and attention to trivial matters are all psychological "states of being" associated with an aggravated or depleted liver.

The past two nights I have gone to bed and fallen asleep easily and stayed asleep 'til dawn. That, in itself, is a miracle to me. I am grateful.

I mentioned in the previous post that I have been very concerned for many months about joint pains. My right knee pain made it almost impossible to do my morning walks. A few months ago, when my knee pain was at it's worst, I ran into an old friend, Sandra Acosta. She is a healer/body worker who was trained by the Maori Indians in deep tissue release. I started exchanging massages with her and now my knee is completely pain free. Again,I'm so grateful.

So, I've lost another pound, that makes 12 now. Mostly this weight loss is water loss. I was very bloated which the body does for protection. I wasn't drinking enough water so my body held onto it and used it to protect my organs.

The tenderness and tightness in my upper right abdomen is nearly gone. I'm quite certain I have passed a gallstone or two. No way to tell for sure but I am pain free and ....I am grateful.

I picked up some Epsom salts for a good soak in the tub. Soaking in salts helps draw out toxins and helps heal many skin and joint issues. I used a body scrub to exfoliate. Skin is the largest organ and needs to breathe. We release many toxins through our skin and mine has been mostly neglected since I left the spa industry.

I added 1000 mg of vitamin C to my supplements and Turmeric. Turmeric has been used for 2500 years in India. It is another natural liver detoxifier.

I've also added to my regimen a Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar cocktail. Three times a day I drink 8 glasses of distilled water with 1 tsp ACV and a tsp of either blackstrap molasses or raw honey. This combination does a number of things for the body. I'm reading a book right now about some of the benefits for this and I'll share more later.

My sunrise meditation today was brilliant!

My energy level is at a 6. I can't wait to see what the blood tests reveal.

More to come.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How Did I Let It Get So Bad?

I know better. I know all about being healthy and eating right. I know all about nutrition and physiology, biology, anatomy and exercise. I studied it all in college and massage therapy school. You can't be a very good healer if you don't have the basic education and knowledge about the structure,systems and functions of the human body to back it all up. I can tell a client exactly what to do to remedy everything from headaches to joint pain, from digestive issues to allergies. And yet, with all of that education and experience I chose to blow it all off long enough to create disease in my own body. From ease to dis-ease in four short years.

My rationale came down to the facts of life. I had a few personal traumas of the heart and I was distracted long enough to get out of the habit of self care. A few years ago my sister was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, my mother, who lives with me, was diagnosed with dementia and macula degeneration, my three year old granddaughter was born with a life threatening heart condition and subsequent illnesses and a love relationship quite suddenly ended in the middle of it all. These are the reasons, perhaps excuses, for my distraction. Nevertheless, I let my body and my health decline until I was up against a wall. What wall you ask? The wall of pain. Yes Sir. Pain is a motivating experience. No doubt about it.

The first thing I stopped doing for myself was exercise. I love my morning walks on the beach but my reasoning was that I was just too busy and too tired and my energy wasn't supporting me. Next,I gave up nutritional supplements because, well....I don't really know why I did that. I gave up eating healthy, drinking 8 glasses of water a day and getting plenty of sleep. I gave up my regular massages and began working longer hours to take care of others. It's a long slow road from living a life of ease to one of dis-ease. It is simply a physical reality that you cannot deny your body it's core nutritional needs and expect it to feel great indefinitely.

Now there are those of us who also recognise the metaphysical implications of disease. Symptoms are your body's way of communicating emotional problems. My symptoms began two years ago and, again, I ignored them. This, of course, is the opposite of what I teach in my classes. Funny how that works. Too busy teaching people to listen to their bodies to hear my own. Denial is a powerful state of being I say.

Gallstones are seeds of resentment. The expression, "He really galls me." is indicative of that metaphysical reality. Your liver is the seat of anger, your stomach holds fear..etc. Well, when life experiences began to overwhelm me I began to resent the added burden on my time and my energy. How can I be in four places at once? When the toxins built up and I experienced pain in the form of a headache or backache I took Advil instead of sourcing the issue. I didn't take the time for myself that I was so willing to give to others. The consequence of that behavior has now caught up to me. I am extremely overweight. I have headaches and backaches and knee problems. I'm bloated and tired. My energy is low and my gallbladder and liver are inflamed. I have dozens of gallstones. When I look in the mirror I don't recognise my reflection.

This blog is going to be all about my recovery from disease to radiant health, not through typical western medical protocols, but my way, the alternative medicine way, the vibrational medicine way. I will share my journey and all of my experiences right here. I intend to achieve radiant health within six months. I will blog each and every step I take in the recovery of my health.

Blood work will show the progress in numbers along with the numbers on the scale. I will rate my level of energy from 1 to 10. 10 will indicate that I am ready to run a marathon and 1 will tell you that I just want to go to bed and pull the covers over my head. Last week I was at 2, barely. Today, I'm at 4.

I will explore and share with you many alternative healing remedies, some of which I've not experienced before and some I know are basic common knowledge for healing obesity, and gallbladder and liver disease, such as the dreaded liver and gallbladder cleanse. I'll tell you about that next week.

Step one is detox. 7 days ago I gave up my morning coffee and Coffee Mate habit and exchanged it for 12 ounces of fresh vegetable juice. I juice organic beets, carrots, celery, cucumbers, parsley and spinach every morning. The caffeine detox headache began on day 2 and lasted 36 hours. To manage the headache I flooded my body with purified water and I used massage to release some of the tension.

On day 3 I eliminated sugar, carbs and fats, with the exception of olive oil, flax oil and fish oils. I didn't realize how much of an addiction I had to sugar and bread products until I gave them up. I craved them for three or four days and then suddenly I forgot all about it. To manage my cravings I ate fresh, sweet, juicy fruit to my hearts content.

On day 6 I experienced a deep and piercing pain under my right scapula, (shoulder blade). That is a symptom of gallstones. My upper right abdomen is tender to touch and hard. I immediately drove to Trilogy Spa for a massage to ease the pain. I did take an Advil, as well, to help with the inflammation.

From past experience I know some of the herbal remedies for gallbladder and liver issues. Yesterday I started taking Milk Thistle, Wild Yam, GB-Plus, Super Liver Cleanse, Super Colon Cleanse, and Ultimate Omega. I will add 1000 units of vitamin C tomorrow, day 8. I'm drinking BioK once a day and Activia is dessert.

I've lost 11 pounds. I'm past the, "I can't keep my eyes open." phase of the coffee break. I'm past the sugar and carb cravings. I'm past the denial of my situation. I put fruit in my purse when I leave the house and oddly, a banana for lunch works when two weeks ago a Whopper with cheese was my addiction.

Tomorrow begins week 2. Initiating an exercise regimen. The goal is to walk/run for 30 minutes every other day and do 30 minutes of Pilate's 3 times to strengthen my core and alleviate the lower back weakness. (I have two steel rods in my spine from
L2 to T10)

Meditation is now scheduled at sunrise and sunset. No excuses, no resistance. It's booked into my day planner. Everyone else can wait.

I eat every two to three hours to keep my blood sugar level and avoid the "I'm starving. Feed me!" syndrome.

Preparation is the key to success on any journey so I've also scheduled the local Farmer's Markets in my day planner as well. Here is my new work schedule.

6am Spiritual meeting
6:15 Sunrise meditation of gratitude, "Tree of Life"
7am Vegetable juicing and supplements
7:30 walk/run

10 to 12 see clients

12pm 30 minute lunch break....for real now. Not just unconscious and shoved down too fast to know what it was. I sit, not stand and I chew slowly. No distractions. I bless my food and relish in it's vitality.

1 to 4 see clients

4:30pm...Sunset meditation to relax and realign mind,body,spirit and heart intentions.

5pm Dinner and supplements (not in front of the television)

6 teach class

7pm healthy snack.
8pm Pilates or Yoga
9pm Spiritual meeting
10pm asleep!

When in doubt go back to basics.