Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 19

All I can say is WOW! Last week I had those two Akashic Field Therapy sessions and uncovered a multitude of beliefs, identities and decisions. One of the identities was "wounded child". I wasn't ready to write about this last week because I needed some time to let it settle and process it. You see, I am a survivor of infant and childhood sexual abuse and a survivor of adolescent rape. These old memories were triggered as soon as she told me I had the energy in my field of the wounded child. Some of those memories came flashing back as she spoke. Incidences I haven't thought about in years. She and I, together, rewrote the story in my field and four days after this session I was contacted by the man who abused me. How bizarre? Very. The secondary vibration was a belief in "victimization." The belief in "victimization" vibrated very high in my field, even though, intellectually I totally understand that nobody is really a victim.....unless of course....they believe they are.

This old man is near the end of his life now and wanted to get together and talk about what happened. We haven't seen or spoken to each other in 30 years and out of the blue, after my Akashic Field session he reaches out. Coincidence? I don't think so. I believe I was being tested. I opened the email and was immediately challenged or tested to see just how much I processed in the AFT session. And I have to tell you, how I responded was completely clear. I was loving and forgiving from a vibration of sincerity rather than the intellectual act. My healing or cleansing on that issue is complete.

Another issue that came up in our session was the energetic vibration of 'drama'. Again, three days later, a neighbor came banging on my door and throwing a complete fit of rage directed at me over two potted plants. He attacked me and I stood in my place of power, and diffused it. I said 'no' to it. I didn't buy into the show. I simply had no desire to play it out. I simply said, "no". Then, within an hour of that incident, my mother fainted in my arms and paramedics had to be called. More drama. And yet, I was calm and relaxed and trusting my way through it.

I am astounded how deeply I am cleansing. The change is happening in my body, in my mind, in my heart and in my soul.

95% of the food I've been eating these past three weeks is organic and vegan, which of course, vibrates very high the fresher it is. Friday I served my mother a dish that three weeks ago I would have devoured, Chicken Terryaki from Rascals. I couldn't stand the smell of the dead flesh. THAT is a miracle. My body, in this short amount of time has realigned with radiant food. So,instead, my meatless meatballs in organic marinara sauce was perfectly delicious and satisfying. I actually desire my fresh squeezed organic vegetable juice in the morning and if by chance I miss it....I really miss it. My sweet tooth is satisfied by eating one date. ONE DATE! This seems impossible to me, the woman who three weeks ago had sugar with every meal. Sugar in my coffee. Sugar in my oatmeal. Jam on my toast. In this short amount of time...I'm a different woman.

Eyes are windows to the soul and to our livers. Dr. Shen looked at my eyes and asked if they were always red and, yes, they are always red except when I use Visine. He said the eyes are on the same energy meridian as the liver and that is why when people have hepatitis or jaundice you see their eyes get bloodshot and turn yellow. Mine were red with a tinge of yellow. Now, the yellow in gone. In one week of taking his herb tea, twice a day, my eyes are clearer.

My energy is 6 to 7 today. I've accomplished a great deal. I've begun my Christmas shopping, I had meetings and clients all day. I've managed projects and throughout the day I've managed my emotional output easily and effortlessly.

Total pounds lost: 13.

stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. I salute your courage--in claiming your healing and in writing about it so eloquently and honestly. I think I can learn a lot from your journey; thank you for sharing it.
