Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 21

Stress eating, emotional eating, boredom eating, there are all kinds of reasons or excuses to eat, hunger being the least of them in my experience. And the usual suspects in the line up are sweets, carbs and fats. "Just a little treat" my mother would say. A reward for not biting someone's head off when you really wanted to. Or, something gooey when what you really want is sex. Something hard and crunchy when you really want to speak your mind but can't. Feeling sorry for yourself? Have a snack. "Just a little won't hurt" she'd say. Except, it did and it does. When
I was a miserable fourth grader, my mother turned me on to white bread, spread with butter and sprinkled with sugar. Turns out I was being drugged. Who knew?

So, here I am at the end of week three of my recovery of radiant health and what I've noticed is that my mood has changed. I'm more patient, calm, loving, and easy going. It's easier for me to focus and easier to manage all of my projects. My skin is clearer, my eyes are brighter and my body smells differently. I have a brighter outlook. I've always been a positive thinker and I've always looked for the silver lining, but now I don't have to look for it. Foods and moods. Who knew?

I've met a woman on Facebook who is 71 years old. Mimi Kirk. She is the epitome of radiant health. She eats only raw, vegan foods. No breads, no dairy, nothing from animals. PETA voted her, Sexiest Woman Over 50. I don't know if that is my future eating plan because it seems a bit too restrictive for me, but I'm willing to forego cheese this week. I'll see if it makes a difference in how I feel. I eat very little of it anyway, just a sprinkle on my marinara or an ounce in a salad.

The only bread I eat is Ezekiel. I've been calling it Essene....not sure why, and I'm down to one slice every other day. I'm not sure if that is an issue...we shall see.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. My favorite traditional foods will be served. Stuffing, gravy, roasted turkey, candied yams, green beans swimming is gooey, creamy canned soup, cranberry sauce....pumpkin pie with whipped cream. How will I do in that environment surrounded by temptation? I'll have to be prepared with my own fixin's is all. I'll go shopping for substitutes. Time to start looking for new recipies for my new lifestyle.

Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. Pounds lost: 14
Energy level: 7

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