Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Healing Continues

Gallbladder and liver imbalances, such as I've been experiencing, are easily repaired with Alternative Medicine. The core emotional energy issues must be addressed as well as the nutritional deficiencies and chi blockages. If you've been following along, you know I passed a gallstone last week after I began a cleanse using fresh organic juices and nutritional supplements. I sensed an attack coming and jumped on it right away. Of course the cause is my own doing, as most diseases are. Eating an imbalanced diet, lack of regular and consistent exercise, and avoiding processing stress emotions, and core beliefs are the cause. I've attacked this disease from all of these sides.

The first wave in my recovery was with diet changes. It is necessary to have a balance of calories from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. I was way out of balance and the choices I was making for my fat intake were low on the vibration scale for radiant health. Now, I am eating mostly organic vegetables and vegetable juices, organic fruits as my carbohydrate sources. I get my fat from avocados, flax oil, olive oil, and fish oils. (very little while in stage one.) My protein source is mainly soy.

In stage two, I added vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplements. Turmeric, Super Liver Cleanse, Super Colon Cleanse, Wild Yam, and GB PLUS, vitamin C and a good multi. I just added herbs prescribed by my acupuncturist that I soak and simmer for twenty minutes then drain and drink the rather pungent tea twice a day. These are herbs for bringing balance back to my gallbladder and liver and to assist my sleeping pattern to return to normal, as well as address a digestive issue.

Stage three, bodywork. I get one deep tissue massage every week, a Reiki treatment, and an acupuncture treatment. I will add a weekly chiropractic adjustment starting next week.

Stage four, exercise. My energy has been very low so strenuous exercise was not an option. Yesterday, day 13, I introduced walking with occasional bursts of running. Today I took my first Tai Chi class and floor Pilates is helping my lower back.

Stage five, emotional clearing processing. Since all but 3% of diseases are caused by emotional energy reacting to core beliefs, identities and spiritual vows and contracts, it is imperative that these beliefs be identified to the conscious awareness and not just left to run rampant in the unconscious mind. As gifted as I am in assisting others in identifying subconscious core beliefs and identities, I too require assistance at times. AFT, Akashic Field Therapy has been most helpful in that regard.

Everything that happens in our lives is recorded in the Akashic Field. It's like a library of information about each of us and all of us. From the moment of our conception and creation we are writing scripts,developing patterns and creating scenarios. I have a core energy of "disappointment" from my birth that I was unaware of until my session with Valerie Elster, an AFT Practitioner. When she brought it to my attention and told me is was vibrating at 73% I wasn't surprised. It resonated as truth to me yet invisible until that moment. I was born in 1951 in a small town in Ventura County California called Ojai. I was born in a small clinic in the dead of winter and I was breech. Feet first. There was quite a bit of drama and panic in the room. On top of that, the entire family of aunts, uncles and grandparents were hoping for a boy because my parents already had three little girls and even among the Estrada cousins, there wasn't a boy to carry on the family name. There was disappointment in the field I came through and I bought it. Also, my mother and grandmother held a belief that breech babies have hard lives. Therefore it was written in my energy field. The AFT sessions brought to light other trauma's and decisions that were transparent to me. Vows, identity beliefs around being a victim and martyr, beliefs about having to sacrifice and a duality pattern about nurturing and neglect were all identified and processed in our sessions.

One belief she read in my field is, "No news is good news." If I heard that once I heard it ten thousand times as I was growing up. How could she have known that? It's written in my Akashic Field. We are funny little programmed robots for the most part. We think we know what we know, but we don't know what we don't know but
we think we know? All of these things were cleared....or perhaps I should say rewritten with positive phrasing.

How do I feel now that I'm beginning week three of my journey from disease to ease, from imbalance to radiant health? Great! My energy is humming around 5 or 6 today. I have no pain.

Next week I will have my blood work back and we will see my starting point.

that's all for now....

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