Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Days 11 & 12 of Gallbladder & Liver Cleanse

I want to thank the Angels who have shown up for me these past two weeks. Sandra Acosta is a master massage therapist as is Linda Acosta. Today I get a massage from Ana Magdelano. Three great healers and body workers.
Valerie Elster is a Reiki Master and AFT Practitioner. AMAZING! I had a session with her yesterday and one scheduled for today. She saw my birth trauma in the Akashic Field, and located the decisions I made coming into this world. She was able to re-write the records so that I may move forward with a merciful step.
Dr. Margie Rand gifted me body brushes from Germany. Mae McCaw gave me a Tarot Reading that was right on. And Judy Doeppel gifted me her friendship. The City of Redondo Beach installed a running track right across the street made of a composite to avoid joint injuries. I thought that was very generous of them to do that during the summer so it would be ready for me in November. My sisters are my cheerleaders, my daughter is my inspiration, and I am blessed!

So, Sunday, day 11, my energy was still in the low 3 or 4 range. I took a nap, I drank my veggie juice and took my supplements but I may not have had as much water as I should have. I had a dinner date to meet a Judy on the beach for a meditation and vegan dinner. I couldn't find my keys anywhere! We will reschedule. When I did find them I decided to take myself to see a happy movie. "Pirate Radio". Laughter is good for your guts not to mention your spirit. The music was right out of my high school days. I loved it.

Monday, day 12, my housekeeper arrived just as I was cleaning up the juicer and heading downstairs for some laundry. My energy was near 5. I felt good and happy and looking forward to the Akashic Field Therapy session with Valerie. It began at 11 and only lasted a short time. The work she does is mostly done before the session. It was fascinating. And right on. Afterwards I went to Veggie Grill for lunch and contemplation. I ran errands, listened to great music, paid bills and danced in my seat. By the evening my energy was at a 6.

My weight loss has stabilized or plateaued, which was expected. This process is not for the purpose of weight loss, although it is a happy side effect. Cleaning out the liver and gallbladder is a necessary process if I want to start the new year feeling the way I intend to feel.

Coming attraction:
The more challenging stage of my process to recover radiant health will begin after Thanksgiving with The Master Cleanse. In the morning, first thing, I will drink 12 oz of salt water, 1 tsp of organic sea salt in warm water. The salts draw toxins from the intestinal walls. The rest of the day I will not eat solid food, but drink only the master cleanse lemonade. Two Tbs of fresh lemon juice, two Tbs organic maple syrup (grade B)and 1/10 tsp of cayenne pepper. The syrup provides vitamins and minerals and the cayenne pepper loosens mucus in the body. Lemons or limes can be used and we all know that they are an excellent source of vitamins. This is a ten day cleanse which will be followed by the gallbladder/liver cleanse.

My goal is to be clean and shiney like a new penny on New Year's Day!

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