Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Four Weeks Today!

Let me take a moment to pat myself on my back. Four weeks with eating an animal. Four weeks of juicing organic veggies for breakfast. Four weeks of drinking lots of water. Four weeks of supplements, and nastyass tea. I've lost 16 pounds, but that's not the point, just a happy side effect. Point being, I'm feeling healthier and more energetic. I'm sleeping better and my level of patience has grown exponentially. I feel happier, and I was happy to begin with. It's all good.

There are stressors all around me and I'm not taking the bait. My mother has asked for me to bake Christmas cookies and I'm so not likely to be able to do that without eating them. But, I found a solution. She loves coconut and I hate it. I'll make coconut cookies and then she can have that smell in the house she so misses and eat all she wants and I won't be in the least bit tempted.

The remodeling contractor began demolition on Monday and the exterior painters have completed the front building and are now painting the back one. It looks great. Our sump pump went out over the weekend and I've had plumbers, electricians and pump specialists in and out for three days. I've lost my bank card and my car really needs to be cleaned out, as does the garage. But, I'm mellow yellow Baby, and loving my life. How strange is that?

Can't wait to see blood work.

Energy is very high today....I walked three miles yesterday and my butt feels it. I'll go out again in la manana.

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