Sunday, December 13, 2009

Starting Week 6


1. Dr.Shen believes I should eat meat. I am O positive and O positive people need meat, red meat. While this bit of information is good news on the one hand, it's not so good on the hand that loves the animals and doesn't want them to suffer. That would be the same hand that doesn't want to ingest commercially raised, hormone and antibiotic fed beef. And the environmental impact of eating beef is devastating.

2. Feeling overwhelmed with information about food and supplements. I've added so many supplements that I'm starting to avoid taking any at all. I missed three days this week of herbs and vitamins. Now I've added a product called Zrii because Deepak Chopra endorses it as good Ayurveda medicine. One ounce three times a day seemed like more than I could do this week. I also ordered a protein powder from the same company to be used as a meal replacement. I was encouraged to replace two meals with this powder mixed with water or juice. I didn't like it. I felt deprived and it felt unnatural. Once in awhile, in an emergency I can see it, but as a lifestyle? I think not.

3. Juicing isn't as satisfying on cold rainy days. I want something hot, like oatmeal. But, what about my pH?

4. I went to California Pizza Kitchen for their Field Green salad the other day. The waitress put three menus on the table, one for wines, one for food and one was actually a nutritional information chart on each of the foods they serve. I looked up the the Field Green Salad and was shocked to see how many calories are in it. The bottom line to weight management is 'calories in, calories out'. I have a pretty good metabolism but if I want to drop pounds I need to eat about 1500 calories a day. I'm not calorie conscious so I bought a book, a dictionary on calories in everything even fast food. I also bought a digital scale that will calculate totals according the weight of just about any food you can imagine. I haven't learned how to use it yet. Note to self: Must study instruction manual.

It has been feeling like my health conscious devotion has taken over my life. I'm having to think too much about it. This is not the balance I am seeking. In fact,this feeling of overwhelm is a slippery slope to surrender. But I'm not about to surrender. So....I asked GUS, Great Universal Spirit, "What's a girl to do?". The answer was, "Trust your INTUITION". If you know me at all this must make you laugh right out loud. I teach classes on trusting intuition. I've been teaching about the importance of communicating with the divine energy that is our higher mind and trusting that communication, for not months, but years. So, go ahead and have a good laugh. I sure did. How could I possibly have missed this important aspect of intuition? The body's natural ability to vibrate with what it needs and how much of it it wants is basic 101 Self Care.

I've been an advocate of applied kinesiology, muscle testing, since 1992. I believe our bodies will resonate vibrationally a yes or no frequency that will strengthen or weaken our muscles. I know this is controversial and untested but it has never failed me.

Also, using the fuel gauge technique of holding your hand over your belly and testing to see where on the gauge your fuel level is. 1 being empty and 10 being stuffed. If we keep the gauge between 4 and 6 or 7, we will have a steady and balanced appetite. Never too hungry, which leads to poor choices and too many calories and never allowing it to go above 7, which leads to disease and dysfunction. Simple enough. That's intuitive eating.

Tomorrow is Monday, the beginning of week 6 on my journey to radiant health. I have two weeks of regular foods before I go on another round of detoxing and the full blown liver gallbladder cleanse. I will be mindful of testing foods and amounts as I carry on from here.

Energy level is 7 today.
Pounds lost: 17

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